
Well, hello! I am starting this journal in prep for my month long stint at the farm. I will be a live in volunteer at the World Hunger Relief farm during the month of June. It's about ten minutes from BU, so still very close to campus ;-)
I do not know what internet access I will have during the week, so I have decided that I will journal my experiences (hand written, eek!) during the week and then post them online when I have access on the weekends.

Let me just say that I, pardon the west coast language, TOTALLY STOKED to do this. I started looking into it about a year ago but never knew when I would be able to be a year long intern. However, this month long stay presented itself. Funny how God works sometimes, eh?

Basic schedule is:
6:30 am dairy rotation
7:00am morning chores, breakfast
8:00 am devotion and work assignments
8:30am -12:30pm morning chores
afternoons we have devotionals, classes, etc.

When you think about it, 6:00am is not that early. Sorry, college students, hate to destroy that dream of yours. Real working people DO get up at that time. I am a morning person, so you won' t hear any complaints from me about the time schedule. Heck, I've been waking up at 7am this whole summer. If you wanna conquer the world, gotta wake up early!

I will be living in a "dorm," which is essentially a house. It has a kitchen and small living area, with two large rooms, men and women sleeping in separate quarters. Each gender has their own restroom. The main house contains the WRH offices, a fair trade shop, the basic business doings of the farm, and the kitchen/big table where we all eat. There is a compost toilet in the main house, but I do not know if there is one is the dorm as well. 

Some of you may be wondering, "Oh, Christine, you will get so tan during your trip!" Clearly you have not known me for more than 2 minutes! I burn so incredibly easily and it never turns into a tan. I am prepared with high high high SPF sunscreen and a wide brimmed hat. While I may not win cool points for this, I am not concerned (cool points haven't been a priority for some years now). I might have gotten burned once or twice while I was in Honduras for 6 weeks (uh, FOUR YEARS ago!!), and that was much more brutal. Closer to the equator = closer to the heat of hell.

I am also really excited to meet new people. The volunteers and interns there will have such a great world view and such wonderful hearts.

Anyways, just know that I am totally ready for this experience. I am doing this because I want to apply my "book smarts" to my hands. I want to get them dirty and break callouses. I want to learn from others who know about the land and how to live off it.

Am I making this all sound too idyllic? Sounds idyllic to me!

I am not sure how much access to technology I will have (or how much I will actually WANT to use it!) so, if we do not chat for a while, I apologize ahead of time.

So, if you have free time to kill, keep up with the blog, or don't.

Make it a great day or not, the choice, is yours. hahahahaha!