
2nd Weekend

Saturday June 13th

Didn't wake up til 8:30 today. What is the DEAL with all this unproductive-ness? I can't believe I allowed my body that much recovery time. Unacceptable.

Went to see the movie "Up" today and it was really good. I couldn't believe how much I cried! Maybe I'm just an extremely emotional person or maybe it was because old people were involved. It's not like I have cried during any other major Disney/Pixar films...except for that time during "Monsters, Inc" when we thought that Boo and Kitty got separated for good. And when Dori almost died during "Finding Nemo." And maybe during "Toy Story" when the girl forgot about her toys because she was growing old and the toys were extremely sad about it. And perhaps during WALL-E when we thought that WALL-E and his little girlfriend robot were separated slash dead. But those are the only ones.

Made enchiladas for dinner, hopefully the fam enjoyed it. We even made margaritas, so you know that it was "real Mexican" food. Boo-yas all around.

A little update on the whole "future" concept: I may or may not be participating in Americorps starting in the fall. If all goes according to plan, then I will be an Americorps member during the fall AND the spring working for Campus Kitchen. Basically, I would get paid for things that I am already doing on a volunteer basis. This also means that I could apply for the May-August dietetic internships, which is HUGE HUGE HUGE! Many more DI's offered during that time than during January. I mean MANY more. Let's compare the number of 4 (that I would've applied to) to like, 200 or so.

Been having a wonderful time in Ft Worth. It's always an adjustment to get back to living with a family again, but nothing that I cannot handle for 3 days. I think I will leave early to setup my BU apartment that didn't get setup last weekend. P.S. the floors at my apartment DID get fixed, I DID get new beds, and the A/C may have been fixed, we'll see tomorrow.

Found out that Grammy and Papa are reading my blog now. Welcome!!! Sorry that my dates are "backwards." Yes, Grant told me that the format is irritating. Apologies!

Sorry that this weekend's post was not more interesting. I am such a normal person that it just gets ridiculous sometimes ;-)

Friday June 12th
Woke up automatically at 6:30 this morning. Did I have to be awake then? No. Maybe God is trying to tell me something...probably along the lines of "Get your tushie out of bed." I can totally see that being the message! Haha.

Had a really good devotion today. We all spent about 5 minutes (10? not sure how long) in quiet prayer, just enjoying the stillness of the body, outside. I sat indian style, tried to straighten my back, and feel the cool breeze against my body. It was a great time, especially since the sun was not out. Morning devotions have really been such a blessing.

Spent the rest of the morning winnowing wheat. This consists of threshing (or "free threshing," as Wiki calls it) the hull or chaff around the little kernel of grain. Get a huge, flat circular basket and move the grain back towards you, making sure to remove all chaffs as possible. It was tedious work and we only get a small yield for the amount of time we worked. We sat down the entire morning just winnowing away. It became a great time to get to know our new family, Amy and Randy, along with the new Baylor live-in vol, Ben. 3 and 1/2 hours leaves room for lots of great conversations to take place. We talked about book series (Harry Potter, LOTR), and raising kids and TV and In Defense of Food and even my future in dietetics! What a great way to spend the morning. After Amy and Randy left, Ben and I chatted about both being only children, growing up, Baylor life, God, and (duh)...LOST!

Realized that the tops of my hands got sunburned from the outdoor stationary position all morning. I will have old lady hands sooner than I thought! I have a really nice watch tan too. I think it will only get "better" as these next two weeks at the farm go by!

We had a little conversation about some words that have a definition with their prefix, but lack a definition without their prefix. For example, you may have been discombobulated before, but have you ever been combobulated? or just bobulated? I've been disgruntled many a time, but have I ever been gruntled?

Lunch was absolutely spectacular. Spices enfused in potatoes and squash...tumeric and curry...very good stuff going on. I added some black beans so I could get some protein in there...great meal!

Afterwards, I headed off to take a quick shower and then get to Ft Worth before traffic started building up. I was about to step in the shower when I spotted two roaches, which were very much alive and well (unlike the practically dead ones at home, they have no chance). My father was no where near to be found, so I had to do the deed myself. Luckily I bought some Raid last weekend and used it well. I know, that's really cheating, using Raid and not my shoe. I think it's just that their antennaes move around and it's just...ew. Hopefully I can muster up some guts later on, in case this happens again!

1 comment:

  1. sweet, a watch tan! we can match! sadly im not out in the sun all the time anymore like you are, so mine is fading
