
3rd weekend

Saturday/Sunday June 20th/21st
Wedding day! Thought about going to the gym, but I've just been so tired on the weekend...definitely when farm life ends I will be hittin up the SLC hardcore.

Catherine came with me to the wedding, which made it so much more fun! We drove down there around 4, wedding ceremony was at 5, got to the reception around 6:30 (slight scenic detour, iphone saved us with the map application, yet again!). 3 course meal, appetizers, bride and grooms was very nice! Lots of fun dancing with graduated ADPi's, felt like old times. It was really nice to get to see everyone all dressed up. Quite a rare occassion for me to be dressed up as well. It was the first time for me to wear makeup in 20 days (since June started). Glad to spend some Q.T (quality time!) with Catherine...reminds me of what good friends we are!

Catherine spent the night and went to church with us, then met up with her boyfriend David and his family, who also attend our church. Trying to remember when I met David...but really I can't even pinpoint it! We've known their family for 10 years, at least, I would say. Funny how he ended up at Baylor, dating one of my best friends, and we still go to the same church! God works in such mysterious ways.

Last full week at the farm this week, can't believe how fast it has flown by! Americorps interview tomorrow...ahh! Pray that it all works out.

Friday June 19th
Today was spent cooking pizza dough and figuring out how in the world to accomplish the task without totally flubbing it. Luckily, Amy was able to help me in the kitchen. She made a wonderful quinoa salad and helped me make Tomato and Basil pizza and a "mexican" pizza (corn, black beans, salsa, cheese). Honestly, I didn't get to taste the second one as I had to peace out early to drive home to Houston for the wedding. I tasted a bit of the T&B pizza (got the part without the cheese, I don't do cheese) and it was good. Still couldn't believe that we made a pizza from scratch, with ingredients from the garden. How cool!

Drove home to Houston that afternoon, tried my hardest to avoid traffic. It's that darn Aggie section of Hwy 6 that always messes me up. Wasn't too bad this time, but I figure it's about time for them to wrap up that construction. It's been going on for over 3 years!

Coming home is always a little adjustment to get used to at's just weird being in A/C and not being outside a lot like I am here. But I got used to it and by the time Sunday came around I knew that I had sort of adjusted back to the real world. Haha.

1 comment:

  1. you didnt tell me about your interview?! how did it go?
