
Lasts days...ah!

Monday June 29th
Wow, last day! Couldn't believe it when I woke up this morning. Tried to pretend like it was a normal day, but it really couldn't ever be "just normal," as I was very sad to leave my friends. I know that I will be back to visit, but it will never be the same as actually living there, in community with one another.

Morning chore started off easy. I started off taking meat inventory in the Ed building freezer and in the dorm freezer. All went well until I opened up the 2nd freezer in the find out that it had been off all night. The meat at the top was squishy...some had ice crystals, while others were barely cold. I want to estimate that we threw away 50 lbs of meat. I would have personally thrown away 20 lbs more, but others thought that it would be okay to just cook it really quickly and then freeze it again.

Sunday June 28th
I really cannot believe how quickly time has flown by at the farm! I go home tomorrow...ah!

Woke up this morning and took Brandon to UBC. Can you believe that I hadn't been there for church during my entire Baylor "career?" For those of you in the dark, UBC is, like, the Starbucks church for young folks. Very cool place, though I really needed some natural light. Sermon was excellent, as I saw a few familiar faces. It's always strange for me to be at Baylor now, because I feel like I am a member of the farm life, not Baylor life. So when I see people that I recognize (aka aren't friends with, but have seen them on campus at some point in time), I feel like I am not a part of "that" anymore. Does that make sense?

Took a three hour nap today. WHY!?!? I guess that's one way to pass an afternoon!

This evening we went to the Hess' for a little BBQ action. I had already eaten dinner, as I didn't even know we were having a party...shame shame! Guess that was announced while I was driving to DFW airport Friday afternoon. It was still really fun...again, just sitting around, talking about whatever subject came to mind. Turns out that both Matt and Sarah went to Baylor and worked for Flash at one point. They both took turns guessing which sorority I was in, which was really funny to compare stereotypes and such of BU students and greek life members. It was a great evening and I finally hit the sack at midnight. That's probably the fourth night in a row that I went to sleep so late. Can't blame a girl, I just love to sit around and talk!

Saturday June 27th
Woke up early today, which isn't unusual, considering that I am such a morning person. Read the paper, ate some breakfast, and just chatted with some folks near the porch swing. That's one of the things that I will really miss about this: community. A sense of "hey, let's just talk" without having to verbalize that we are scheduling this time together. At BU, people don't have time to just hang out and talk, they just want information about your life or about whatever pertains to them, then they want to move on. Hopefully, I will embrace the former rather than the latter after this experience.

Ran into town to shop a little at Target and run by the bike store. I am looking for a bike to cruise about campus on and to possibly take to Cameron park to ride trails with. Now, I have never really been a biker, but I think it's a good hobby, as it's low impact and you can always find a group to go with you. Next semester I plan on going with that bike shop group to CP whenever I can. I didn't purchase a bike, but I will look at other stores in Houston to see what the prices are like.

This afternoon just sort of hung out...went with Swathi to the Hess's to babysit their kids. I was only there for 30 minutes or so, but those girls are so darn cute! Later on, Melody, Brandon and I went to go find a basketball goal at the local high school. However, there was none to be found. So, instead, we decided to make ourselves as human basketball goals and just sort of goofed around that way. Makes you get creative when you have limited resources!

A former member of the farm, Susan, came today. She is going to start the PeaceCorps soon, at the end of August. In Senegal, I believe? Very cool girl. She's going to help with chores this week, as 4 other members of the farm crew are road tripping it to Illinois for a Christian music festival. Sounds like a lot of fun! Most of the drive is, undoubtedly, driving through Texas. Yee-haw!

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